Life Skills Entrepreneurs Need To Learn

Successful small business owners are always learning. And while technical skills and work skills are important, let’s not forget about these life skills:

1) Learn to take a Punch (not literally)

Do not fear failure. You have to keep trying new things and moving forward. If you fail (and you will) have the resilience and courage to get back up and try again. No successful entrepreneur holds a “zero failure” record.

2) Learn to Say “No”

As a small business owner, time is your most valuable asset so be brutal when it comes to protecting it. Do not burden yourself with too many goals. Stay focused on what is most important. That means saying no to a lot of things, both in your business and personal life. There will be sacrifices, but if you make the right ones, they will all be worth it.

3) Learn to Take Care of Yourself

Entrepreneurship is a marathon, not a sprint. Your health is imperative to your performance as an entrepreneur. Make your fitness, diet, sleep, and mental health priorities and your success in business will follow.

4) Learn to Dismiss Negative People

Always be aware that there are some people who will sabotage your entrepreneurial endeavors. It won’t always be intentional, and it often won’t be obvious. Negative people will subtly instill fear and doubt in your mind because what you’re doing doesn’t make sense to them. Ignore them and if you can, get them out of your life. Remind yourself that your priorities and values are different from theirs and you have a different outlook than they do. Don’t waste your time trying to convince the naysayers, you have bigger fish to fry.

5) Learn to Network

Just as you need to get away from the wrong people, you need to seek out and connect with the right people. Find people who will inspire, motivate and teach you. Find people you can inspire, motivate and teach. Grow and nurture an inner circle that will encourage you to thrive in your business life and your personal life.

6) Learn Balance

Entrepreneurs are typically very business-focused and have difficulty “switching off.” But even if you love what you do and you’re following your passion, your body, soul and mind need time to recharge. Otherwise, you’ll just burn out and that serves no one. Remember why it was you went into business for yourself in the first place. Was it so you could have more time for your family? For travel? For your health? Do not forget these things. Ever.

7) Learn to Live Your Values

Entrepreneurship is hard. If it were easy, more people would be doing it. To stay motivated, make sure you truly believe in what you’re doing. Does your brand line up with your core values? Does your business inspire you and make the world a better place?

Need a hand with your business’ brand? Call Kim Speed at Purple Moon Creative today!

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