3 Messages Your Brand Should Communicate During the Pandemic

It’s been several months since small businesses were first affected by the COVID virus.

Time flies, doesn’t it?

By now, many of you entrepreneurs are getting a strong grasp on how your businesses need to adapt, and how day-to-day operations will look over the upcoming months.

It goes without saying that your business needs to adapt in order to survive these unprecedented and challenging times.

The question is, have you also thought about how your branding should adapt?

Some of you might be tempted to just go back to the way things were, with regards to your marketing.

However, if you fail to take a step back and re-approach your messaging, your brand might come off as out-of-touch or insensitive towards everything that is happening in the world today.

So, don’t make this mistake.

Here are 3 messages you should be communicating to your audience during the Coronavirus pandemic.

1.    Be blunt about how your business has been affected.

Just come clean.

Your customers do not expect everything to be “business as usual”.

In fact, if you pretend everything is still status quo with you and your business, they might suspect that you’re either in complete denial, or that something is terribly wrong and you’re trying to cover it up.

People are surrounded by uncertainty these days – so, they kind of expect change.

Just be transparent and honest about how things are changing with your business and if you have a strategy for moving forward, let everyone in on it.

If you don’t have all the pieces of the puzzle in place just yet, let your clients know that you are working on it.

Manage expectations by letting them know what new protocols are in place, so that they know what to expect.

For example, explain in advance that there will be delays in delivery, or what the rules are for curbside pickup.

Be sure to communicate that you are doing everything you can to make matters better for your clients.

Doing this will keep frustration and confusion to a minimum so your company’s reputation doesn’t suffer.

2.    Show empathy for your customer during this stressful time.

Make it clear that you and your customers are in this together.

Because remember, not only has your business been affected by COVID-19, but your clients’ lives have also been turned upside-down.

Make it clear that you know that times are tough for your client, and you want to help them get through this.

Take a hard look at what’s going on. How have your clients’ needs changed during the quarantine? What are they going through?

For instance, while they might be used to working in an office outside of their home, they might have to telecommute from their kitchen table now. To make matters more challenging, they might have to watch over their young children while they work, since schools and day camps are closed.

Your clients are probably strapped for time more than ever. They might not be able to travel as much as they used to. They are social distancing.

Let your clients know that you empathize with their struggles and come up with solutions that will make their lives easier (while keeping you in business).

Maybe that means that your services could be available online now. Or, maybe you will deliver your product to their doorstep for the next few months.

Maybe you’ll have to change your offer all together. For instance, some restaurants are pivoting by selling produce to their clientele now.

Showing that you are sensitive AND responsive to your customers’ changing needs will help maintain loyalty and trust towards your brand.

3.    Show that you care about safety.

In order to maintain your brand’s integrity during these challenging times, it is wise to communicate what risks are involved as you re-open or stay open for business.

These risks are going to vary from business to business, of course.

Show that you care – not only for your client, but for your staff, and everyone’s families as well.

Communicate the risks, and what you and your staff are doing to manage those risks. This could include wearing masks and other personal protective equipment (PPE), social distancing, a rigorous cleaning schedule, offering new delivery services, and moving to an online platform.

By showing you care, you are reminding your customers that you have their best interests at heart, and that they can feel safe continuing to do business with you.

COVID-19 has presented many challenges for entrepreneurs. However, business owners can better their chances of success if they can communicate 3 important messages to their client base. Business owners should be honest about how the pandemic is affecting business and what changes are taking place so that they can manage expectations. They can demonstrate empathy towards their client and make an effort to help them through this tough time. And finally, they can make it very clear that they care about everyone’s safety.