Avoid These Common Rebranding Mistakes

Sometimes, it’s good to shake things up.

As a business owner, it is important to know when it is time to rebrand and keep up with the changing times.

But rebrands are not easy, even for big companies with huge budgets.

In fact, rebrands can be more complicated than starting fresh with a new, unknown brand. The challenge with rebranding is that your audience already sees you a certain way, and now you have to rewrite their perception.

And that’s not easy to do.

Remember New Coke? It never stood a chance! When this nostalgic pop drink decided to modernize their look and taste, people weren’t happy. In fact, they were pretty angry about it. Coca-Cola apologetically reintroduced its original formula as Coke Classic and New Coke was rebranded AGAIN as Coke II and eventually discontinued.

How can we forget about the time when The Gap changed its iconic blue logo just ever so slightly? That didn’t go well either. The clothing retailer got dragged on social media, so much so that it went back to its original look.

And how about Twitter’s rebrand? What do you think of the new “X”? 

Rebranding is a huge undertaking, no matter the size of your company, and it can be very expensive if mishandled.

Here are 10 common rebranding mistakes to avoid…

1. Ignoring your audience: Rebranding needs to resonate with your existing customers while also attracting new ones. Ignoring your audience’s preferences and needs can lead to a rebranding failure.

2. Not communicating the rebrand: If you don’t clearly and openly communicate your rebranding reasons and goals, it can lead to confusion or misinformation among customers, employees, and stakeholders. 

3. Neglecting brand heritage: While rebranding is about change, completely ignoring your company’s history and heritage can alienate loyal customers. 

4. Rebranding without a clear strategy: Rebranding without a solid strategic plan can lead to inconsistent messaging and a lack of clear direction. 

5. Making changes for the sake of change: Rebranding should not be about making changes for the sake of it. It should be a strategic move to better position your company in the market. 

6. Not considering all touch-points: From your website to your social media profiles, every brand touch-point should be considered in your rebranding strategy. 

7. Neglecting internal branding: Your employees are your brand ambassadors. If they don’t understand or buy into the rebrand, it’s unlikely to succeed. 

8. Not testing the rebrand: Before you launch, ensure to test the new brand on a small audience to gain feedback and make any necessary adjustments. 

9. Not seeking professional help: Rebranding is a big undertaking, and professional branding agencies can help you avoid costly and damaging mistakes. 

10. Rushing the process: Rebranding takes time. Rushing the process for the sake of meeting deadlines can lead to mistakes and oversights. 

Remember, successful rebranding requires a strategic approach, careful planning, and clear communication. Don’t take rebranding lightly!