Why Are Brand Values So Important?

As a small business owner, have you ever thought about Brand Values?

Brand values are basically what define your brand’s personality. How does your brand treat people? How does it make people feel? What promises does your brand make? What does your brand refuse to compromise on? What does your brand fall on the sword for?

But why is it so important to have brand values? Here are three reasons:

1) Brand values give you an edge over big companies
Often times, small businesses feel they can’t compete with large companies (especially when it comes to pricing), but they CAN offer a better customer experience by lining up their brand values with the values of their customers. A customer won’t mind paying a bit more if they feel better about purchasing from a small business. Perhaps your brand is vehemently eco-friendly or advocates fair trade; these types of values will sit well with a certain type of clientele.

2) Brand values help distinguish your brand from your competition
There may be several companies, large and small, that offer the same product or service that you offer, but can they all make the same promises? Your brand’s values will help you stand out from the crowd and help you attract similar-minded clientele who appreciate your values. Perhaps your brand is a bit rebellious and cutting edge, some people will prefer it over other brands with different values because they are rebellious and cutting edge too or want to feel that way.

3) Helps you drive your small business with passion
Anyone who has run a small business knows it takes a certain relentlessness in order to be successful. And it’s not easy to be driven and determined every single day, even when the stakes are high. The most successful small businesses are propelled by business owners who are truly passionate about what they do. And in order to be truly passionate, you as a business owner must believe in your brand’s values on a very primal level.

“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” — Steve Jobs

Your brand’s values are inevitably going to be an extension of your own personal values, and you should never want to compromise on either!

Need a hand with your business’ brand? Call Kim Speed at Purple Moon Creative today!

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