How Busy Entrepreneurs Find Down Time

Down time is a must for the busy professional.

And yet, we all know how difficult it is to make it happen.

As an entrepreneur, it can be challenging to justify the need for time off, especially when you are the driving force behind your own business.

In recent years, with the rise of a “hustle” culture, this has become especially difficult.

Everywhere we look, we see “productivity hacks” telling us we need to do more things, in less time, and all at once.

No wonder we’re exhausted (and maybe a little depressed).

This needs to stop.

You can’t flourish at business without rest and recuperation.

Remember, running a business is a marathon, not a sprint.

So, how does a busy entrepreneur find time to retreat?

Here are a few tips on how you can find pockets of time to recharge and improve your mental state, physical health, and be more productive at the office.

Take your weekends during the week.

Are you a Weekend Warrior?

The weekend FINALLY rolls around and NOW you can finally rest, right?


Between catching up on work, shopping for groceries, visiting lonely family members, chauffeuring the kids to sports and extracurricular activities, you might find yourself relieved when Sunday evening rolls around.

At this point, it takes everything you’ve got left to find the energy to binge watch whatever thing you’re currently addicted to on TV.

Does any of this sound familiar?

Stop it.

Let’s be real – weekends aren’t really a thing when you are business owner.

So, if you are looking for time for yourself, where you can focus on self-care, you are best to move part of your weekend to another day that doesn’t involve Saturday or Sunday.

Re-assign your weekend to a couple of hours on a Tuesday afternoon (for example), or when it suits you best. You will discover that restaurants will be less busy, line-ups non-existent, and spas and recreational spaces empty and at your disposal.

Doesn’t that sound blissful?

Whoever made up the rule that all people have to schedule their lives the same way and try to compete with each other for space and time was either not very smart or just cruel.

Take back your weekend by scheduling it while everyone else is at work.

If you feel like too many people try to infringe on this sacred time, just tell them you’re in a meeting.

Except for a few exceptions, you’re really under no obligation to explain yourself when it comes to your personal time.

Schedule your personal time.

If you don’t schedule it, it won’t happen.

If you’re a business owner, you already know this concept well.

We usually hear about this principle with regards to business goals and personal goals.

It also applies to down time.

Look – you are never going to have time to recharge if you just wait around for free time to magically appear.

You have to schedule down time. Block it off in your calendar, just as you would a business meeting.

Think of it as a business meeting with yourself.

If you find yourself cancelling on this appointment with yourself, enlist someone to hold you accountable for taking your down time.

For instance, if you are spending your downtime at a yoga class at your gym, get a gym buddy or a personal trainer so you can’t back out at the last minute when you get too busy.

Schedule a massage or salon treatment with a last-minute cancellation policy that will prevent you from cancelling.

Do whatever it takes to make sure that you won’t cancel on this meeting with yourself.

Be strategic with your downtime activities.

Not all down time activities are created equally.

If your goal is to replenish yourself, you need to be strategic about what you choose to do with your down time.

Are your relationships in need of maintenance? Then, you should spend time with the people you love, BUT be careful not to use up your down time on people you just feel obligated to see.

Pay close attention to how you feel after you spend time with certain individuals. Do you feel energized or depleted? Be honest with yourself.

If you need time to yourself, recognize this and protect your time. It’s not selfish to do this – it is a necessity so you can run your business and life to its fullest potential.

Mindless video game-playing or binge watching on Netflix may feel okay at the time, but do you really feel rested afterward? Are you better off sleeping or recharging at a spa?

If your mind and body feel crummy most of the time, is it advisable that you spend your down time exercising or meditating?

Is there a creative pursuit or activity that fills you with happiness and helps you feel invigorated? Perhaps it’s creative writing, or painting, or taking a dance class. These seemingly irrelevant pass-times actually enhance the rest of your life by using parts of your brain you don’t normally get to use. Indulging in creative pursuits can help you be more inspired at work and life, and just help you find more joy in general.

Make smart choices when you plan your down time. Be strategic. What down time activities give you the best return on your investment?

Entrepreneurs lead hectic lives. They need down time to rest and recharge. If your weekends are too packed with obligations, consider scheduling a weekend (or afternoon off) during the week. Be sure to schedule your down time, as you would a business meeting, to ensure it happens. In order to get the most out of your down time, be strategic about your down time activities. Incorporating down time will help you be more productive and fulfilled in your work life and your personal life.