How to Stop Procrastinating

Entrepreneurs usually love knowing they don’t have to answer to a boss. However, sometimes not having a superior to light a fire under you can be lead to procrastination.

Procrastination is a vicious opponent for the small business owner. Here are a few tips that will help you conquer procrastination, save your sanity and keep your productivity in line:

Admit that you are procrastinating

It might seem silly at first, but just admitting you have a problem is a very good first step. Acknowledge that you are procrastinating and in that, you are causing yourself stress and damage to your business. Call out your negative behavior and act against it.

It’s easier than you think

More often than not, the horrible tasks we put off aren’t as bad as they seem. They just become more daunting the longer we delay getting to them. It’s a vicious cycle. If you are procrastinating because the thing you have to do is too difficult or too boring, break it down into little, easy mini-projects and then tackle one mini-project at a time.

Plan your attack

After you’ve broken down your monster task into manageable mini-tasks, schedule when you are going to complete these small jobs and give yourself realistic but ruthless deadlines. It may seem counterproductive at first, taking time out to make a schedule, but it will make you immensely more productive in the long-term.

Do the worst first

Do the most difficult, most tedious, most daunting task first. Get it over with while your energy and focus are at their highest. Use the confidence-building momentum from “slaying the biggest dragon” to destroy all the baby dragons afterwards.

If you can’t start with the worst, just start anywhere

Sometimes, despite all your best efforts, you won’t be able to face the big dragon. In this case, just start anywhere. Getting something small done by the end of the hour will always be better than getting nowhere with the bigger thing in the same amount of time.

Reward yourself

Promise yourself there is a light at the end of the tunnel. After you complete a task, go outside for a brisk walk and fresh air, of have a one-person dance party in your home office, or treat yourself to a snack. A small reward will keep you motivated and positive!

Does your small business need help with its branding and marketing? Contact Kim Speed at Purple Moon Creative today!

Need a hand with your business’ brand? Call Kim Speed at Purple Moon Creative today!

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