How to be Less Awkward at Networking Events

How to be Less Awkward at Networking Events

Attending networking events plays a very important role in growing your small business, but many entrepreneurs avoid these meetups like the Plague. Let’s face it, networking events can be quite awkward. But they don’t have to be. Here are a few tips to take the...
How to be a Successful Entrepreneur at Tradeshows

How to be a Successful Entrepreneur at Tradeshows

Displaying your product or service at a booth or table at a tradeshow is a great way to get the word out about your small business. Tradeshows are a great idea, but make sure you are strategic when taking part in them, so that you get value from your investment. Some...
Co-working versus Home Office (What’s right for you?)

Co-working versus Home Office (What’s right for you?)

Co-working spaces offer entrepreneurs and freelancers a space to get their work done, often boasting features such as open or reserved desks, internet access, audio/video equipment, meeting rooms, printing and faxing, and sometimes even coffee! Is a co-working space...
5 Superpowers Possessed by Successful Entrepreneurs

5 Superpowers Possessed by Successful Entrepreneurs

Beyond education and experience, successful entrepreneurs possess certain intangible qualities that set them apart from the rest. Maybe they’re born with these superpowers, but it’s more likely they’ve honed these traits by being self-aware, hard-working and...
How much should you charge?

How much should you charge?

As an entrepreneur, it can be tricky trying to figure out what to charge people for your product or service. Pricing yourself competitively while making a good living can be a balancing act. Here are a couple of factors that every small business owner needs to...