Should You Ever Work For Free? (Short Answer: No)

Should You Ever Work For Free? (Short Answer: No)

As a freelancer or a small business owner, you may get asked to work for free, especially when you’re first starting out. You will be presented with many reasons as to why it would serve your best interests to work for nothing: “I’ll recommend you to all my friends.”...
You Might Be An Entrepreneur If…

You Might Be An Entrepreneur If…

Entrepreneurs can be a quirky bunch, when observed from the outside. And while some of their habits might seem a little peculiar or extreme to the nine-to-five set, it is exactly these behaviors that enable them to thrive as small business owners. Think you’ve got...
How Entrepreneurs Can Deal With Stress

How Entrepreneurs Can Deal With Stress

Stress may be an unavoidable part of an entrepreneur’s life. In fact, sometimes a small amount of “good” stress can be a motivator to make great things happen. However, too much stress can be very detrimental. You might be a stressed small business owner if you answer...
Surprising Challenges that New Entrepreneurs Must Face

Surprising Challenges that New Entrepreneurs Must Face

We all know that running a small business is not for the faint of heart. Most of us expected certain challenges when we made the decision to become entrepreneurs. We suspected that launching a small business would require long hours for low pay and living with a...
How much should you charge?

How much should you charge?

As an entrepreneur, it can be tricky trying to figure out what to charge people for your product or service. Pricing yourself competitively while making a good living can be a balancing act. Here are a couple of factors that every small business owner needs to...