What is a brand and why should a small business care?

First off your brand is not what you say it is. Your brand is what your customers or clients think or say about you. It’s the experience your customer has with your product or service. In one word it’s your reputation.

Branding and the logo

While your logo is part of your brand as are the company name, packaging, promotional pieces and the website, all of which help create the brand image in the minds of the customer, these are not the only parts of a brand. The true heart of a brand involves every touch point your company has with its audience. A brand is the way your product or service performs, the quality of your customer care, the courtesy of the personnel, the statements made by company executives or the tone and manner of the receptionist. It is also the relationship the company has with its employees, suppliers and vendors.

What makes a great brand?

A great brand is a TRUE brand. A TRUE brand stands for

Truth – A brand that is authentic and doesn’t try to be something that it’s not.

Relevant – A brand that knows who its customers are and the needs they have.

Unique – A brand that stands out from the competition.

Engaging – A brand that connects with the customers

Creating a TRUE brand is one of the most important things you can do to persuade your customers to choose your product or service over your competitors.