Try This Post-COVID Checkup for Your Company’s Online Presence

COVID-19 has changed the business landscape in many ways.

Even though things have started going back to “normal”, things have changed and will likely stay changed for the foreseeable future.

Now, more than ever, having a strong online presence is extremely important for your brand.

Take a few moments a do a post-COVID checkup on your business.

Here are three areas where you can assess your brand, and make sure you’re maintaining a strong online presence…


Chances are, with all the crazy changes that have happened in such a short period of time, your website will need a revamp.

Since customers are spending more time online to source products and services they need, you will want to make sure that your website is current.

You may want to make its content is more coronavirus-specific so that your audience understands that you are keeping up with the times. For instance, you might want to upload images of your staff wearing masks or other personal protective equipment (PPE) to convey the message that you are prepared and taking precautions.

You might also consider including video content that demonstrates how things have changed at your place of business.

If your website includes a blog, it would serve you well to create new content that is relevant to serving your customer base during the pandemic era.


Email campaigns continue to be a tried and true method of staying in touch with your audience.

Just make sure that your email offers value, first and foremost. Always position your message so that you are helping your audience.

One way to grow your email list during the pandemic is to offer a timely lead magnet.

A lead magnet is something you offer for free, that is available for free download (from your social media or website), in exchange for a person’s email address. It doesn’t need to be complicated.

A lead magnet is typically a short ebook, PDF, infographic, video, or whitepaper that contains useful information targeted at your desired audience.

Try to offer something that is both COVID-relevant and targeted at your desired audience. For instance, if you work in a health-related industry, maybe you could offer a digital recipe book for healthy smoothies and snacks that will boost people’s immune systems so they don’t catch the virus.

Social Media

When COVID-19 first hit, and people were forced into quarantine, they spent a lot more time on social media.

Like – a LOT more time.

In fact, according to emarketer, Facebook reported a 70% increase in use of all its apps in March 2020, when quarantines went into effect.

So, if you haven’t already done so, now is a good time to make sure your company’s social media is up-to-date.

The first thing you can do is check your social media profile pages and bios – make sure they are still relevant. You might have to change them to reflect the current time.

Social Media Ads

Social media is a great way to stay in touch with your existing clientele, but it’s also useful in bringing in new clients.

One pf the greatest things about social media is that it allows you to cast a wider net that goes beyond your existing clientele.

That’s right – you could stand to GROW your business in the post-coronavirus era.

Believe it or not, shoppers are trying new products and services during the pandemic because their old resources might not be meeting the demands of their new, COVID-era lifestyles.

For instance, online grocery stores and shops who were quick to offer curbside pickup or delivery might have picked up new customers during the quarantine. Restaurants boasting new outdoor patio spaces and takeout windows could be attracting new customers.

If you are adapting your business to serve your clients better during this challenging time, you might want to invest a few dollars in Facebook and Instagram ads, if that is where your audience is.

Facebook and Instagram ads don’t need to be too expensive. Start small and see what results you get with a small, targeted audience for about $20, and then go from there.

In the post-pandemic era, it is more important than ever for businesses to have a strong online presence. Your website, email campaign, and social media all work together to build your brand on the Internet. Make sure to check in on these 3 components to ensure that they are still current and relevant to the current business landscape.