Why a Pandemic is the Perfect Time to Start a Business

The global COVID-19 pandemic has put stress on everyone.

And, starting a business may be the last thing on your mind right now.

But if you feel the pull – and every entrepreneur with the start-up instinct knows what I am talking about – then maybe you should throw caution to the wind and take the plunge.

There is no better time than the present to start a business.

I know what you’re thinking – that’s crazy talk.

And yes, you’d be right. It’s crazy. So crazy that it could work.

All business owners are a little bit crazy. That’s what makes us successful.

So here we go – 5 reasons why the pandemic is the perfect time to be brave and start a business.


1.    Timing will never be perfect


There’s always going to be a reason to talk yourself out of starting a business.

If it isn’t a virus, it will be an economic recession.

Or, if it’s not that, it will be a time of too much growth at your current job.

Or maybe you’re thinking of starting a family, or maybe your family is too big and needs you, or maybe you’re too young and inexperienced, or maybe you’re too old, or… or… or…

My point is, perfect timing is a myth.

The truth is, if you have a solid business idea and are willing to put in the work, the perfect time is now.


2.    New needs, new opportunities


The world is changing – fast.

And, consequently, people’s needs are also quickly changing.

Sure, that means chaos.

But it also presents opportunities for new businesses who are prepared to keep up with the changes.

These new needs aren’t all being met. If you as a new business owner can figure out how to be of service during this time of need, you’ve tapped into something that could have great potential.

It’s not an easy thing to do, but if you observe carefully, you will see where you fit into this brave new world. You just have to be creative and think outside the box.


3.    You’d have to pivot anyway


If you think now is a bad time to start a business, consider how current businesses are being forced to re-think the way that they have been doing things for years.

Very few businesses have been able to continue just as they had been through the COVID pandemic. These companies are a lucky minority.

For the most part, the businesses that are surviving right now are the ones that were quick to admit that the old ways of doing business were no longer serving them and things weren’t going back to normal any time soon – if ever at all.

The businesses that are surviving and thriving are the ones that PIVOTED.

Pivoting is not easy.

You have to go back to the drawing board and analyze every bit of your business and be prepared to throw out things that feel safe and have been working for you.

You have to be prepared to see your old business with new eyes.

In other words, re-invention is almost as hard – maybe harder – than starting from scratch.

So, if pivoting is like starting from scratch, then why not start from scratch?

If you are developing a new business idea, you are not far behind the established business owner that has to start over.

If anything, the coronavirus was a great leveler of sorts to the small business world.

You have just as much a chance of surviving as the next business, so why not put it out there?

Starting a business is difficult at the best of times. It’s only natural to be hesitant during a pandemic. But keep in mind that there never really is a “perfect” time to start a business. There will always be a reason to talk yourself out of it. And while things are changing drastically and rapidly, there is tremendous opportunity to meet needs that are not being met. When you think about how much established businesses have to adapt and pivot anyway, you really aren’t at more of a disadvantage than they are. So, if you are feeling the pull to start your business, don’t talk yourself out of it just because we are in the middle of a global pandemic. Now might be a good time – if not the best time – to start that business!