If you’re a small business owner, you’ve likely wondered how you can find more time in the day to get more things done.
If that’s the case, have you considered waking up a few hours earlier?
Wait, don’t stop reading.
Many entrepreneurs will flat-out refuse to consider waking up earlier because – let’s face it – waking up early is really unpleasant.
But before you make any snap decisions, let’s consider the benefits of being an early riser, versus the (often temporary) discomfort.
No interruptions
Imagine living in a world with no interruptions. No clients calling, no notifications buzzing, no emails dinging, no kids, no spouses, no laundry… nothing. Just imagine all the wonderful things you could get done. This magical world exists at 5am. Just think about how productive you could be while the rest of the world sleeps.
It’s your time and nobody else’s
There are certain tasks that, as important as they are for your well-being, seem too selfish for you to take on during the work day, when you have to answer to the needs of so many other people. Those early morning hours are yours and yours alone. You could exercise, meditate, read, or do something that you know will make you a more productive business owner in the long run.
Plan out the day
If you want to increase your productivity, try mapping out every half-hour of the day beforehand. Use the morning hours to plan your attack on the day. Don’t be surprised if you get more accomplished.
You can slow down
If you race through your day in panic mode from the second the alarm clock buzzes, you’re not operating at full productivity. More importantly, your nerves are probably frazzled. Wake up early, get a head start, don’t rush, and advance through your day with presence of mind. You will not only have a more productive day, but you’ll be less stressed.
You won’t miss anything
In all likelihood, you won’t miss anything important by going to bed earlier and waking up earlier. You’ll probably miss out on a mediocre television show or browsing aimlessly on the Internet. Weigh the pros and cons. Is your small business more important than Keeping Up With The Kardashians?
Still not convinced that waking up a few hours early is worth the effort? Why not try it for a few weeks and see how it goes? You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
Just keep in mind that it might take your body some time to get used to a new sleep schedule, so don’t give up even if you fall off the wagon a few times. Try it in increments: make it a habit to rise 15 minutes earlier, then half an hour, etc.
And if that fails, consider finding more hours in the day by becoming a night owl instead!
Need a hand with your business’ brand? Call Kim Speed at Purple Moon Creative today!